Weathering - Rusty Dumpster - Advanced Painting Seminar Ticket - Difficulty Level 2

Gadzooks Gaming - Advanced Miniatures Painting Seminar
Join us at Gadzooks Gaming for an exciting Miniatures Painting Seminar!
Ready to take your miniatures to the next level? Join us for a seminar where we will practice painting a model to look weathered together.
The Next Level 2 Seminar will be held:
- Saturday, April 5 at 7:00 PM
Cost: $25.
- We will Cover: Weathering using a 28-32mm scale dumpster model
Ticket cost includes:
- Miniature.
- Access to a selection of supplies including Vallejo Liquid Mask (Latex Paint)
- Coaching from an experienced painter.
Ticket cost includes:
- We will Cover: Weathering using a 28-32mm scale dumpster model
Ticket cost includes materials to learn or practice the specified skill above. After the instructional period (Approximately 1 Hour), you are welcome to stay and paint longer so you can practice your new (or sharpened) skills! Each seminar will be a little different, so there's nothing wrong with attending the same one more than once!
We highly recommend attending one of our Level 1 Seminars first. Some painting ability is assumed for this seminar. This is not a children's event; children are welcome as long as they are accompanied by an adult (all persons present must purchase a ticket).
We accept no liability whatsoever. Wear clothing that you don't mind ruining with paint splatters. Not responsible for injury, death, strain on relationships when your spouse paints better than you, etc.
Don't miss out on this in-person event at Gadzooks Gaming, 248 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, USA.