Monster Scenery: Broken Ground

Monster Scenery™ is a new line of game-ready tabletop scenery. Every plastic element is pre-painted and ready to use with your role-playing adventures and on wargames battlefields.
Broken Ground contains eight (8) pre-painted plastic rocks and fallen trees as well as two (2) double-sided neoprene area templates. There are five (5) rock formations of varying sizes, an uprooted tree trunk, a broken tree trunk and a tree stump. The templates depict a rubble strewn area of ground on one side and overgrown flagstones on the other.
Broken Ground contains eight (8) pre-painted plastic rocks and fallen trees as well as two (2) double-sided neoprene area templates. There are five (5) rock formations of varying sizes, an uprooted tree trunk, a broken tree trunk and a tree stump. The templates depict a rubble strewn area of ground on one side and overgrown flagstones on the other.