March 15: Advanced Painting Seminar Ticket - Difficulty Level 2 (From Shadows)

Gadzooks Gaming - Advanced Miniatures Painting Seminar
$25 with pre-registration, $30 if paid at the door.
Join us at Gadzooks Gaming for an exciting Miniatures Painting Seminar!
The Next Level 2 Seminar will be held:
Saturday,March 15 at 7:00 PM
- We will Cover: Painting a Model "From Shadows to Highlights"
- Miniature Included.
- This is a structured event, we highly recommend following along with our experienced painting coach for best results.
- Alternatively, if you do not wish to follow along - you may paint at your own pace and ask questions as needed!
- Any photos shown here are for example only.
- We will Cover: Painting a Model "From Shadows to Highlights"
Ticket cost includes materials to learn or practice the specified skill above. After the instructional period (Approximately 1 Hour), you are welcome to stay and paint longer so you can practice your new (or sharpened) skills! Each seminar will be a little different, so there's nothing wrong with attending the same one more than once!
We highly recommend attending one of our Level 1 Seminars first. Some painting ability is assumed for this seminar.
Don't miss out on this in-person event at Gadzooks Gaming, 248 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, USA.